Personal Statement

Importance of Personal Statement

Your personal statement is an opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants.  It is the portion of the application where you get to discuss who you are and what is important to you, so take advantage of this opportunity!

To successfully utilize the personal statement, spotlight two or three particular experiences or examples that demonstrate your motivation and preparation towards making an informed decision about your career path. Unlike the majority of your application, which is largely concerned with what you did, your personal statement should provide depth into why and how you came to your decision that a career in the health professions is a good fit for you.

Here are some questions to help you in the brainstorming process:

Examples + Resources

Personal Statement Tips

Each Professional school that you will apply to will have different preferences on how your personal statements are written. Check out the resources to the left to gain a better understanding of exactly what schools are looking for in your personal statements and some examples of well written ones!

Visit the Experiential Learning Hub or Guelph Career Advising to get personalized assistance with writing personal statements.